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jeudi 16 septembre 2010

I am so proud of the St-Chrysostome Softball team

St-Chrysostome's pride and joy

I rejoiced in a few tears when I heard the fabulous news that St-Chrysostome, my beloved softball beer league team, had finally won its first championship ever since Saint-Chrysostome himself pitched in the first ever game, with a cigarette in mouth. Joseph, son of Ronald, team captain, was kind enough to give me a beautiful recap of the weekend. The past few years I've been unable to attend all games and have only showed up here and there ... yet never has my heart veered ... ever do I stand a St-Chrysostomer. Here is the play by play as described by Champion, Joseph Caissie.

Team Captain and Spiritual Leader, Joseph Caissie, accepting the Championship trophy from Aurelle à Denis (brother of the late Claude Arsenault who's tournament this is dedicated to)

"Ok, let me see,
I'm not sure where to begin,
I don't know much about the other games, scores and such, maybe you could get some other results from Ghislain,
Not sure how much detail your able to put but here's what I know, (all games were played at school and in Mont Carmel)

At 10am we played against the old veterans from previous years teams put together by Gilles Bernard (peanut) with help from J-C Gallant.  The team went by the name of Mont Carmel.  We were victorious 9 to 3.
A stellar defensive effort led by All star shortstop Joey Caissie was the key to the victory as well as a strong pitching performance from Jonathan Caissie.
Our top batters this game were spread out, (Jamie Arsenault 2 for 3, triple, double, walk, 2 RBI,), (Joey Caissie 2 for 3 double, walk, RBI) and
(jonathan Caissie 2 for 3, walk, RBI).  The other game at 10am fe.atured Abram's Village captained by Ghislain Bernard victorious over the Wellington team captained by Catlin Palmer.

At 12:30 we played against Abram's Village.  Once again stellar defense and a solid pitching performance from Tyler Richard were the difference in a 13 to 8 St Chrysostome win.  Many would say that the TSN turning point was midway through the game with Abram's Village threatening to get back in the game with one out and runners in scoring position, a lazy line drive up the middle was flagged down in mid air by shortstop Joey Caissie who then somehow managed to get the ball off balance to 2nd baseman Marcel Arsenault who made an incredible diving catch while remaining on the bag to catch the base runner and convert the double play to get out of trouble.  Top batters:
(Jonathan Caissie 3 for 4, HR, double, 2 RBI), (Jamie Caissie 2 for 4, HR, 3 RBI), (Joey Caissie 3 for 4, Triple, Double, 3 RBI).
In the other game at 12:30, the veteran team from Mont Carmel (peanuts) defeated Wellington (Catlins).

At 2:30 we played against Catlins team from Wellington and finished 3-0 with a 15 to 7 victory.  Marcel Arsenault pitched a brilliant game for the win.  Top Batters:
(Jonathan Jeffery 3 for 3 walk, 2 RBI), (Tyler Richard 2 for 4 HR, 2 RBI), (Marcel Arsenault 2 for 3 walk, 3 RBI)  In the other game to decide 2nd place, Abrams Village was victorious over Mont Carmel (peanuts).

Final standing after the round robin went
St Chrysostome 3 - 0
Abram's Village 2 - 1
Mont Carmel     1 - 2
Wellington        0 - 3

In the championship,in Mont Carmel,  the two longest tenured teams remaining in the league, and also the two teams that had both never won the championship to this point, battled it out for the trophy.  The game was tight, with St Chrysostome (the home team) getting out to an early 5 to 1 lead after 2 innings, but with Abram's village fighting back to tie the game at 6 to 6 in the third.  Abrams Village then took an 8 to 6 lead into the 5th inning when St Chrysostome in their turn battled back to tie the game at 8's.  The score remained tied at 8 to 8 throughout the 7th and final inning so an extra 8th inning was required.  In the top of the 7th, St Chrysostome held Abram's Village off the score sheet for the 4th consecutive inning then went back to work in the bottom of the 8th.  Leadoff batter Tyler Richard drew a walk and eventually made his way to third base.  With 2 outs and runners on the corners, Jason (a Edmond) Arsenault stepped up to the plate and delivered a screaming line drive single into the shallow left field gap to score Richard from 3rd and win the game for St Chrysostome and the most coveted of trophies. Tyler Richard was the winning pitcher in relief of Jason (a Edmond) Arsenault.  Top Batters:
(Mike Arsenault 3 for 5 HR 2 RBI), (Jonathan Caissie, 3 for 4 walk RBI) (Jason Arsenault, game winning RBI)

Aurelle a Denis (Arsenault??) was on hand to present team captain Joey Caissie with the Claude memorial trophy as you can well see in the pics posted all over facebook.
That's the story as I remember it, you can ask  Peanut, Ghiz and Catlin for more details if you wish, and of course I am always available for interviews, as are all of my teammates I am certain.  I will talk with the rest of the guys over the weekend to see if they can remember any other details, there was also a big double play around the 6th inning in the championship game where we got someone out at 1st base and at home, i'll try to get you the details on that one.

thank you Nick
Joseph, son of Ronald, Champion"

Faithful St-Chrysostome member and beerkeeper, Marcel

After his winning run, along with the trophy, Tyler is taking a moment to let it all sink in while praising the Lords above

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